Caution...only practice this exercise with people who are relaxed and have no lower back issues, since it can otherwise stress the lower back.
Step by step:
0:00 to 0:09 - The giver creates space by lifting up the left elbow of the receiver. With his left hand, he then takes her right elbow and pushes her right arm to his right side.
0:10 to 0:14 - The giver holds the left shoulder of the receiver with both hands to switch support from his right to his left hand. With the back of the right hand, he looks for the receiver's right shoulder blade. Note how he bends his left knee to encourage a twist of her body.
0:14 to 0:25 - The giver takes time to adjust his right hand while moving the receiver's torso over his. Once he feels stable, he extends both arms vertically to better support the receiver's shoulders. Her weight is now distributed evenly between her shoulders and right hip.
0:25 to 0:29 - The giver removes his right foot from the receiver's hip and moves it beside his left foot, transfering her weight from his left foot to his right one. His hands continue supporting her shoulders.
0:30 to 0:33 - The giver leans the receiver to the left to allow gravity to help shift her left leg. As it does, he places his left foot in her left hip crease.
0:33 to the end - Once adjusted, the giver is able to move the receiver's weight completely to his feet, slowly releasing her shoulders as she settles into Reverse Fold pose.